Grid upload registration request

Here you can register your details to request permission to upload grids to the site.

Only registered users are allowed to upload grids - you must already have a registered CERN account.

Grid submissions should be in the form of a tgz file containing a configuration file with the "config" extension and any number of grid files - either root files, fasstNLO "tab" files, of gzippped files with a "tab.gz" extension. Each submission should be grids from a single paper - please do not combine grids from multiple papers into a single tgz file.

To register, include your cern lxplus username (account name) and a path to a publicly readable directory on lxplus to which you have write permission.

To upload grids prepare the tgz file containing the grids and the config file and place in the registered directory. That's it - The files will get read and decoded automatically and added to the database.

An example configuration file can be found here .

The configuration files can be free formatted; each entry is of the form

group = MY_GROUP;
note the required ";" semicolon at the end of each line.

Comments can be included anywhere, following a "//".

Registration request

Register for grid upload - please provide you name, email address, the name of the group on behalf of which you would like to upload grids, and the public directory for your grid uploads in an email.